Detroit City Code of Ordinances

What are City Codes of Ordinances?

City codes of ordinances are a set of regulations that govern public safety, health, and general welfare in a city. An ordinance must advance a public purpose and relate to local matters, not to matters of statewide concern. 

Get to Know Your Ordinances

The City of Detroit has hundreds of ordinances and it wouldn't be practical to learn each and every one of them, but as a courtesy to you Regent Park Community Association has compiled a few important ordinances and their associated fines.

Chapter 42. Solid Waste and Illegal Dumping

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Chapter 2. Administration

Chapter 3. Administrative Hearings and Enforcement, and Administrative Appeals

Chapter 4. Advertising

Chapter 5. Amusements and Entertainments

Chapter 6. Animal Care, Control, and Regulation

Chapter 7. Aviation

Chapter 8. Building Construction and Property Maintenance

Chapter 9. Car Washes

Chapter 10. Casinos

Chapter 11. Cigarettes

Chapter 12. Community Development

Chapter 13. Elections

Chapter 14. Emergency Management

Chapter 15. Eminent Domain

Chapter 16. Environment

Chapter 17. Finance

Chapter 18. Fire Prevention and Protection

Chapter 19. Food

Chapter 20. Health

Chapter 21. History

Chapter 22. Housing

Chapter 23. Human Rights

Chapter 24. Land Division and Subdivision

Chapter 25. Laundering

Chapter 26. Law Enforcement

Chapter 27. Library

Chapter 28. Licenses

Chapter 29. Minors

Chapter 30. Moving and Storage

Chapter 31. Offenses

Chapter 32. Off-Street Parking

Chapter 33. Parks and Recreation

Chapter 34. Peddlers, Solicitors, and Vendors

Chapter 35. Personnel

Chapter 36. Public Lodging

Chapter 37. Public Markets

Chapter 38. Rental Halls and Banquet Facilities

Chapter 39. Retirement Systems

Chapter 40. Sales

Chapter 41. Secondhand Goods

Chapter 42. Solid Waste and Illegal Dumping

Chapter 43. Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Places

Chapter 44. Taxation

Chapter 45. Telecommunications

Chapter 46. Traffic and Vehicles

Chapter 47. Transportation for Hire

Chapter 48. Utilities

Chapter 49. Waterways and Marine Safety

Chapter 50. Zoning